There are devices galore out there to help reduce your weight, stress levels and generally help in a healthier lifestyle. A unique addition now is lingerie, which will help you lead a stress-free life.
 Engineers at Microsoft have developed a bra that will regulate stress levels and check on the  wearer's moods. This particular bra has sensors in the cups and side panels to note the changes in heart rate. Any fluctuation in your mood and the bra sends you an alert to your smartphone using Bluetooth technology.

According to Discovery News report, four women from the Microsoft research lab volunteered to try the device. They were told to wear three conductive fabric pads inside their bras, and also use the mobile application, EmoTree, that will tell them about their emotional condition. The participants wore the bra for four to six hours a day for four days and in between had to rush to charge the 3.7 battery of the bra.
The researchers measured the heart rate and respiration of the volunteers with an EKG sensor and skin temperature was measured with the help of an electrodermal activity sensor, and movement with an accelerometer and gyroscope.
According to the researchers, the bra was able to spot the stress levels with an accuracy of stress-induced overeating at 75 percent and emotion at roughly 73 percent. "Based on these results, we conclude that building a wearable, physiological system is feasible," said Mary Czerwinski, a cognitive psychologist and senior researcher in visualization and interaction at Microsoft.
Czerwinski explained that women have the habit of overeating during stressful times and this technology will help them refrain from over-indulging in food.


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