Report was spreading on the internet claiming Facebook will start charging from the 1st of November. It was said that a monthly fee of $2.99 (N492.15kobo) will be paid by every Facebook user and a lot of people believed it was insane. While majority of Facebook users condemned the alleged plan by Facebook to start charging its users and argued why they would never pay to use Facebook, others confess they would gladly pay the amount to stay on the social network.

Fortunately, the news is fake. In an alleged interview with CNN, Facebook spokesperson, Paul Horner, was quoted to have said these words:
"Economic times are tight, the ads on Facebook are not as profitable as we had planned. Our costs are going up as hundreds of thousands of individuals continue to join the site every day. There’s so many pictures of cats, and all of those costs add up, we just can’t foot the bill any longer.
 So relax your nerves, and login.
Well, just like it’s on the homepage of Facebook, “It’s free and will always be.” Facebook is not going to charge or start charging anyone. The website on which the report first appeared is a satirical website called National Report which claims to be America’s #1 independent news source.
Can you pay to use Facebook?
But come to think of it, would you have agreed to pay if the report was true? Do you love Facebook so much you would be willing to pay $2.99 per month?
When I first heard about this, I said to myself, “This is the end of Facebook as we know it.” Calm down my inner spirit echoed!!!
What’s your opinion?
Would you have agreed to pay that $2.99 or simply closed your account? I would like to hear what you think. Use the comment box let's hear your views.


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